
Wisconsin’s largest business school celebrates a new milestone with the distinguished 博士研究. Praveen Parboteeah


Dr. K. Praveen Parboteeah, an esteemed professor at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater 工商经济学院, 也是管理学院的主席, is celebrated not only for his exceptional teaching prowess but for his significant scholarly contributions by reaching a remarkable new milestone of 10,000次谷歌引用. 

A Google citation indicates an instance where a researcher’s work is used by a different scholar in another study. The frequency of citations points to the practical or adaptable value of the research or the unique character of the findings.  The 10,000次谷歌引用 milestone demonstrates that Dr. Parboteeah is not only making a profound impact within 欧洲杯投注, but he is contributing to original scholarly research worldwide. 

Like all professors at the 工商经济学院, Dr. Parboteeah’s primary responsibility is providing a rich course experience for learners. 在他的学生中很受欢迎. Parboteeah leveraged his classroom experience to play a pivotal role in crafting a strong curriculum that enables learners to explore more advanced research for solving real-world challenges. 这一步对发展至关重要, 现在是领先, the only 公共汽车博士iness 管理istration in Wisconsin that is accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of 业务 (AACSB)--the world’s foremost business school accreditation body. 事实上,博士. Parboteeah’s DBA program was described by one recent graduate, Dr. 蒂姆·黑格,作为“通往我梦想职业的门票”.”

Dr. Parboteeah’s research journey began at California State University - Chico in 1992 as a Teaching Associate 和 Research Assistant. Since then, he has published extensively in renowned journals such as the 管理学会学报组织科学,和 国际商业研究杂志. 另外, he serves as a regular reviewer for numerous prestigious journals 和 has held editorial positions at key publications in international management, 包括 国际商业研究杂志ies, Journal of World 业务, 国际 Journal of Cross-Cultural 管理, 和 国际管理评论. Dr. Parboteeah is also currently a senior editor 和 associate editor at the 商业道德杂志 和 业务 & 社会 respectively, two of the leading journals in the business ethics field. Dr. Parboteeah's extensive publication portfolio 和 editorial engagements with prestigious journals not only demonstrate his scholarly rigor but also signify his unwavering commitment to advancing research 和 encouraging intellectual conversation.

As we celebrate the remarkable milestone of 10,000次谷歌引用, Dr. Parboteeah的学术影响是不可否认的. 博士说. Paul Ambrose, Dean of the 欧洲杯投注 工商经济学院; “Dr. Parboteeah在校园的积极参与, 领导, 和 pivotal role in shaping the DBA program underscore his commitment to fostering academic excellence 和 advancing knowledge in his field.”

祝贺你 博士. Parboteeah on this tremendous accomplishment!

Dr. Parboteeah

Dr. K. Praveen Parboteeah served as one of the marshals during the spring Hooding Ceremony. 欧洲杯投注 工商经济学院 hosted a master's degree hooding ceremony for c和idates in six different programs from the college. This year's ceremony took place on Friday, May 12th in Timmerman Auditorium inside 海兰德大厅. (欧洲杯投注 /尼克普克)

More about the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater 工商经济学院 (CoBE):

威斯康星州最大的商学院, the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater 工商经济学院, is home to the #1 ranked online Masters of 业务 管理istration (MBA) program in the State of single schools 和 is the only college in Wisconsin that offers an AACSB-accredited 公共汽车博士iness 管理istration (DBA) degree program. The Department of Occupational 和 Environmental Safety 和 Health offers a  Bachelor of Science in Occupational Safety (both face-to-face 和 online), a Master of Science in Environmental Safety 和 Health (100% online), 和 an MBA with an emphasis in environmental safety 和 health. These programs are also ABET-accredited 和 recognized as Qualified Academic Programs by the Board of Certified Safety Professionals (BCSP). CoBE is in the top 2% of the world’s business schools, earning both AACSB 和 AACSB 会计 Accreditation. For more information on the 工商经济学院, visit uww.Edu/cobe或电子邮件 cobe@awamiwebsite.com.